My Cats Hate Me
My series, titled My Cats Hate Me, comprises a series of political and contemporary photographs onto which I have painted my cats. I have used this title as I believe that the world has become more miserable, with more social injustice occurring on a regular basis and climate change becoming even scarier. Therefore, I have decided that my cats would blame all this on me and the rest of humanity. My cats are my world, and I am obsessed with all that they do. I have decided that as they play such a big part in my life, I have made them the centre of my artworks. Each photograph has a current political event as the background, such as the Australian treasurer announcing the Federal Budget in Parliament. Through the different personalities of my cats, I have placed them in the photo in a way that comments on the event from their perspective. Angus, the old ginger cat, is a representation of ‘Baby Boomers.’ Angus can be seen sleeping and slouching around in a lot of the photos. This is because he is a social commentary on the lack of enthusiasm that some ‘Baby Boomers’ have for positive social change. Bonnie, the younger kitten with black, white, and ginger fur, is a representation of younger generations such as generation X and Z. These generations are known for their political involvement and determination for their voices to be heard by the leaders of their countries. To establish this enthusiasm in political events, Bonnie can be seen with large expressive emotions and absurd positions, making her stand out in the paintings. Alongside these political images, I have also comprised a series of mini portraits that focus on my cats’ personalities. Thus, allowing the audience to get a full understanding of what my cats are like in real life and how my cats are interpreting the changes to our world.